Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Perwin's News

So I know that there are a lot of questions, hang on. Let me fill everyone in first then answer the ones I know....

Phillip's company got sold on Monday. Tektronix now belongs to a holding company. Deal will finalize sometime next spring.

What does this mean for us?
Well considering he was worried that he would get laid off before the holidays this is good news. He was supposed to start a new position last month but that got bumped out and last week they were talking more lay-offs which meant no one was safe.

There will probably be no changes until Feb/March I am assuming. Plus w/ a purchase like this there are severance packages and stock buy-outs. Either way, we will be fine! Phillip is taking the news like a champ and has rallied. When my company got bought out it was actually good for my career and I was able to make some upward progress. He is laying low for a couple of weeks but will readdress his ambitions later.

Until we know more, you know what we do. It was a good thing for the stock holders and the company realized that they couldn't squeeze any more work or time out of the employees. No more fat to trim. So being lean and mean is a good thing for those still working, fingers crossed!

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