Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fun Weeked

RJ and Phillip had an absolute blast at the PBR (professional bull riding) event that the scouts all went to. Here are pictures of RJ with Buckshot...apparently very intimidating at a glance but he licked Phillips hand so was quite the old softy...or he knew to be very afraid of my Men!

I did manage to squeeze in the Shamrock Run. I did the 5K because Phillip and I were teaching Sunday school and I had to run, take the max home and be showered, dressed and ready to go starting at 8:05 and out the door to church at 9:30. I did it! That and I had a hell of a run...9.25 minute mile! Better then last year at a 10 minute mile. I was motivated:) Nothing like running alongside everyone saying, "gotta get to church, gotta get to church". I placed in the top 1/3 for runners in my grouping (whatever that means); top half for women. Yeah! Will tackle better training for the 8K next year and plan not to be teaching;)

All in all a great weekend full of busy busy Erwin boys. We went out for breakfast, shopping, biking, running, writing letters, book store and movie night all in a whopping three days. Ah. Gearing up for the rest of the week!

RJ has his first communion on Thursday and today we made bread w/ the rest of his group to be eaten that night. We are very excited for him. He is enjoying making friends and we are loving to watch him grow into a wonderful guy that is great to be around. Bragging rights aside, he is an absolute delight!

Lots of love!
ps: photo from last week...boys hanging out in the teepee being "indians"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I must remember to breathe....

You think you are busy w/ little kids because you are chasing them all over and seem to be really wiped out at the end of the day. As they get older you just trade the busy for activities outside of the house...

Last weekend RJ had the Pinewood derby on Friday night. He made a great car, he and Phillip worked really hard cutting and sanding it to the right shape. Then RJ and I spent time painting, placing the stickers just right and sealing it. So glad about the last step, since Jack thought he should paint too when I wasn't looking! We were able to remove the silver glob w/out incident. He and Phillip went to the race and had a great time! Well until his weights fell out of the bottom and his car jumped the track, crashing and breaking into many pieces. Needless to say that was the end for RJ, he was crushed. I would have liked to see the whole thing, it was amazing from what I heard, flying over the track. Learning moments you know.

Then on Saturday he had his first Lacrosse practice. He is loving it! Such a surprise, it is a very fast moving sport that is very demanding physically. Not something I ever thought he would like... he is having a great time though.

Then on the Sunday was a scouting event to the mountain. RJ and I went to this one w/ a group of his buddies and we tried out snowshoeing. It was a blast! I think RJ and I have found our winter we have time for more;) He had great fun sledding and w/ the snowball fight. We made it back in time for dinner and I was spent. RJ fell asleep early and we let him sleep in on Monday. Nothing better then a mental health day. He made it to school eventually and it was a good day.

This last weekend was just Lacrosse and then a weekend w/ Nana and Papa at the beach. He kept busy w/ his brother playing on the playground, digging in the sand and baking. I was glad to have a weekend w/ Phillip and getting caught up on rest. We are now gearing up for RJ again this weekend so we are all needing rest. RJ and Phillip are going to a bull riding show, more Lacrosse and then a Communion class. I am hoping to squeeze in the Shamrock run but we will see.

Will get some photos up from the last week as soon as I can find the camera.