Saturday, October 20, 2007

Blue Rockets!

Okay, now I get to brag as a coach! The Blue Rockets came together and played like a team that I have never seen before in my life! They were passing, they were defending and they were going after the ball! There were some beautiful plays and the kids were all smiling! Mind you it was about 42 out, raining in sheets and the kids were down right water logged...but they won! I am on cloud nine right now! The taste of victory after a long struggle is much sweeter then winning all on its own. They were amazing out there. They were executing everything they have been taught and I was crying with joy as I watched them beaming with pride and cheering for themselves. You couldn't see the tears for all the rain dripping off the bill of my hat but I was a proud Mama! What a long hard road, with the most amazing reward of seeing them play hard. Next year, I will invest in better rain gear;)

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