Friday, August 15, 2008

A moments respit

So I cleaned the kitchen and even swept the floor so I am taking a moment to upload (or is it download) some new tunes to my ipod.

When the mind has a moment it is amazing where it wanders...

Why is the perfect apron so elusive? When did it become an desire? I have one that I love the color and it has pockets but doesn't cover the girls. The other one I just got covers, is great color and yet, has no pockets.

I need to get a Brita and stop the water bottle madness. I realized this point when I drank three half bottles out of the fridge while rearranging and putting things in their place. Yes I have a labeled fridge...I have three boys...they know where the mustard is because it has a spot and I never get asked.

I recylce and try to buy local (organic is out of the budget of a single income family most of the time) but am I green enough? I like the idea of a garden but can't keep a simple African violet alive w/out Phillips help. I love the recycling bin- one big one and I now have a half full garbage can each week and overflowing recycling bin. I lament though what I do toss.

My blog is green right? No wasted trees for paper for letters. Or is something lost by not having the personal touch of a letter. That I believe is another issue all together.

It really sucks that Avatar is over!

Well, time to get back at the mess...ipod is now synced up.

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