I find it very therapudic to blog when I am feeling overwhelmed. It helps me to focus sometimes. Other times it is a distraction from those things I like to ignore, like ironing.
It is gearing up to be a busy spring, well really summer. Phillip's mom just had sinus surgery and it went well. We are relieved by that, never pleasent from what I hear. His brother Ken is scheduled to have surgery in Salt Lake, UT April 25th. We will be taking an extended vacation to Bruneau and then into UT for about 10 days. We will be driving w/ the boys...yeah! Ken will be in UT for a month after surgery so we are going to go hang w/ him for a while and visit our friends. Phillip has only been to UT for the layover when going to DC so we are planning on seeing the sites and getting to know the valley when it is not under a mountian of snow.
RJ is in the process of being evaluated for school. We all know that he is supper bright (like his father) but he is having a hard time. For awhile we thought it was his sensory disorder but it would appear he has a learning hic-up. Quite the trouper, really. As far as he is concerned we are the ones w/ a problem beacause we don't know how to teach well. Go w/ your victories I say. Better to be a little cocky vs. defeated.
Hmm, other then that there are lots of loads of laundry, dog baths and apointments. Still trying to get my health in check after my surgery last year and as ever, balance is w/in reach and I do something stupid, like the Shamrock run and we start over. Gotta love being human w/ limits. I have never been very accepting of that though so I will be better and I will do the things I want, there must be a way. A quick catch up I guess is in order, I had to have a total hystorectomy last January for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is PCOS, which wreaks havoc on your hormone balance including insulin. It is now a constant battle to lead the life I want and stay out of menopause. Because the insulin problem caused the PCOS I will forever be on the high risk side of diabetes and yet, the exercise that will keep it at bay, causes my other hormones to fluctuate in a rather radical way. Hot flashes and night sweats aside, the mood swings are a b**ch. You can guess how much fun Phillip's life is. God love him, I know I do.
I am glad to see you back to blogging. Great stuff this week.
What is Ken's surgery for? How is he doing anyway? Haven't heard anything in quite some time. It's been two or three years probably since I've talked to Russell, which is were I usually get all my Erwin info.
Until the start of this blog that is... :-)
Ken has gotten a bone infection. Would appear to be a common issue. He will have the infected part removed and have a combination of bone, tissue and skin graft to repair the site. He is going to SL because it is a teaching hospital and the guy who is going to preform the surgery is great. Busy though, as is the trade off. The lengthy stay over is because they don't want to have any complications that go unaddressed as quickly as possible because of how difficult it is to identify them w/ a quad. Keep hearing it is going to be a no big deal so we are just looking at this as a great chance to get out of town;) Ken is really upbeat and looking forward to getting back to feeling better and living his life again. Because of the location of the sore he is not able to sit in his wheelchair, go into town or be at the computer so he is restless. Ever busy the Erwin boys are...all of them.
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