Took the boys and my sisters kids to the park today to enjoy the sun before it got too hot. Well, hot for us, you know me, if it is over 78 I am breakin a sweat.

Do you recognize the look that Jack is giving me? Yeah, carbon copy o
f his father, in everything including temperment. Would like to say he was blinded by the sun but not really the case. He just was mad that I stopped the swing to take a snap shot. The next moment he was saying 'weeee' because I pushed him really high. Go figure, he has a mind of his own.
This is RJ and Connor trying to see which one could bounce the other off the teeter-totter. Just like brothers really those two.
Here is Lexy, my girl. Well, I get all the fun and my sister gets all the sleepless nights when it comes to dating, clothes and hair!
I must say, they are all too stinkin' cute. Biased as I am about the whole thing, I think I am being pretty reserved. Have a fun 4th! I am sure that I will have another update soon. As I said, this is really quite addictive...
Hello Heather,
Great photos of the kids. You need to send me some copies. Thanks!
Wonderful, Mama E, I love it. Keep up the great work.
Looking at that picture of Jack it seems to me that Phillip has his own "mini-me".
Love all the pictures - there sure is a family resemblance in all four kids!
Auntie Bee
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