There was a long moment when I was making this set of biscuits when I thought, "Can you decide to throw them away before they go in the oven?" Well, stubborn as I am, I didn't. Surprisingly they were the best batch so far. Okay, the best of two but still. Looks are deceiving. I was in a state of panic the whole time so I am just glad they aren't burnt. So here's the skinny....
This is a recipe for Cream Biscuits I got from the Fannie Farmer Cookbook. The cook/chef who created the recipe hosted cooking classes in Seaside, Oregon. Sweet! The recipe had some interesting quirks and caused me to pause and panic.
-Dough can feel tender? I thought that was just meat.
-Dough can be shaggy? What does shaggy dough look like? Shaggy like a hair cut?
-Is that too much milk?
-F! That is too much milk!
-Me: 'RJ! Can you throw some flour on the counter please?'
RJ: 'Why is this such a mess mom? Is it supposed to look like that? Why can't you do it?'
Me: 'Cooking can be messy with me.'
RJ: 'Right.'
-Can I just throw this away?
-Why don't they tell you to roll this out?
-Really need to find a better way to measure how thick the dough is. Didn't I say that the last time?
-Well, biscuit sticks are okay, right?
-Really, I have to drudge it through melted butter?
-Seriously, melted butter?
-Maybe they will taste good.
Well, don't judge my food based on how it looks. They were great! I must say that the melted butter was a huge help! This is a keeper of a recipe. Now I just need to work on it a bit so that they look better. Hmmm, cooking with mama can be messy. I did have to scrape the counters down before washing them.