Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here they are dying eggs. I am very proud, they both got to color eggs this year and I was able to finally use what I bought last year!

Then we spent the day at Ahmah (Rosa) and Ahyeh's (Richard). The kids had a fabulous time hunting eggs (there were 100!) in the rain. Notice the kids all have coats and hoods and rain boots. The moms (Kate and I) are missing all that is necessary to maintain a good hair day. We spent the rest of the rainy day playing board games and eating what RJ termed, "the best dinner ever!" My boys really like fried chicken and coleslaw.


RJ started jumping off the diving board and I got a picture of him jumping and the water splashing...maybe next time I will be faster on the button and get him up in the air or entering the water.
Here are some pics of their lessons.